Sunday 8 March 2015

India's Daughter in Shackles!

There are two types of people in this world. Men and Women. Historically, men were associated with strength, courage, independence and leadership qualities, whereas, women were much more subtle, gentle and dependent type. But, the times are changing now and that too real fast.

The world is evolving. It is no more a fairyland or a happy land, where things run smoothly and are in order. There is this universal problem that almost every country is facing today, RAPE! Sexual assault, Molestation, Sexual abuse are the common terms with which this problem is addressed today. Every week we come across one such incident, where the girl is brutally assaulted, badly injured, raped and in some cases, almost beaten down to death!

I am a brother who looks after his sister, a friend who cares for his female friends, a son who would burn down the world for his mother, a grandson who loves his grandma more than anyone else, I would someday, be a husband who would protect his wife, I would someday, luckily be a father to the most cutest daughter in the world! The roles that we, men, play might be different, but ultimately, the main goal that these roles fulfill is looking out and protecting women and by protecting, I do not mean restricting them to move out of the house after 7 P.M. or restricting them from wearing those fashionably trendy clothes!

There are these bunch of illiterate, orthodox, conservative people, who think that women need to be in those four walls, deprived of their basic freedom! Moreover they are the same people, who think that clothes provoke Rape! I mean, come on, we are talking about people here, who would readily rape any female animal just because they don’t have any clothes on! We are talking about people here with brutal animal instincts and who are high on their sexual drive that if one fine day, their sisters or daughters come up with a one piece/gown, they would themselves rape them! Talking about the time restriction, we live in a world of globalization and privatization, where a large chunk of people, work in the night shift. So coercing women to stay inside after 7 P.M. is pure nonsense. Women have, just as we men have, got an undeniable right to be independent and enjoy life to the fullest! I mean you can always make sure that, women are with a safe and trusted company, during those late hours, but restricting and confining them in those four walls, taking away their freedom, is not The Solution!

The thought of confining my own daughter or sister is scary, crazy and absurd! It reflects our submissive attitude which in turn, will strengthen the inhuman motives of those rapists and eve teasers. Instead, let’s fight back. Fight back for the people we love, for the people we care, for the independent, fight back against submissive behavior, against orthodox attitude, against dependence.

Let’s fight back for Women. Let's inculcate a respectful attitude, which is just and morally strong, to respect women and see them as equals!

People are of two types. One, who supports and celebrates the independence of a Woman and would fight back for a woman as a whole and, second, a bunch of cowards, who would compromise on the independence and strong will of a woman!

It’s up to you to decide, which side are you on!

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